What we do.
Wild Iris is here to stand by you through the whole process of dealing with violence in your home, whether or not you want to leave your abusive partner.
Our crisis counselors are here to discuss your situation and your options with you, and support the decisions you make for yourself and your family.
All of the services offered by Wild Iris are completely confidential, and are offered with dignity, respect and compassion for our clients.
Programs & Services.
In addition to providing direct client services, Wild Iris offers a range of programs open to the community.
Parenting and Co-Parenting Classes
Supervised Visitation Monitoring
Youth Violence Prevention
Wild Iris offers a FREE 6-week series of parenting and FREE 8-week series of co-parenting classes.
We provide neutral, professional third parties who can enforce effective safety measures during a child visitation with a non-custodial parent.
Wild Iris offers a curriculum to students in the local schools that helps the faculty and staff meet their educational standards in areas of mental, emotional and social health, violence prevention and safety, and sexual health.
(Court Appointed Special Advocate)
Our CASA program provide foster youth with professional volunteer advocate in order to objectively gather information and provide a voice for the child in court as well as provide the child with a consistent adult in their life while in foster care.
Wild Iris offers A Window Between Worlds and Art For Healing programs. Hands-on workshops offer a safe environment for self-expression and self-exploration while using art as a way to heal from trauma, pain, grief, fear or stress.
52- Week Court Ordered Parenting
Wild Iris offers the 52-week Court Ordered Parenting course. Those interested do not need to have a court order to attend classes.